Mise en scene

put into scene or frame

Made up of visual messages

Image result for eastenders poster

Props and Settings

Costume, hair and makeup – characterisation

accessories, nails, socks

Facial expressions, gestures, body language

Lighting and colour.

Positioning of characters and object

Image result for eastenders september 2019

Props and settings – Trumpet, plants, curtains. The setting is outside a house.

Costume, makeup and hair – Sonia is wearing a t shirt and jeans, Robbie is wearing a polo shirt and jeans and Bianca is wearing a funky hoodie with leather trackies. Sonia has her hair in a bun and Bianca has her hair in a pony tail. The image could show they are average working class citizens.

Accessories, nails, socks – Bianca is wearing earrings.

Facial expressions and gestures – They are standing, Robbie and Bianca are excited to see Sonia play the trumpet because they are smiling. Sonia is feeling pressured into playing it as she hasn’t used it in 20 years.

Lighting and colour. You can see a shadow in the background which could mean the lighting is bright.

Positioning of characters and object – They are standing quite close together and all looking at each other. This could tell you they all get on.

Extension Task

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