Annie Leibovitz

preparation for photoshoot of Queen Elizabeth II

Annie would’ve had to contact Buckingham Palace to make arrangements to work with her majesty.

It took 11 assistants and 3 weeks to plan the half hour photoshoot with four options with the Queen. Annie had to consider the location, poses, lighting and angles the Queen would be happy with. Annie’s assistants were used as models. The planning was to make sure things would go smoothly for the Queen on the actual day.

Week one. Research on location, costume, knowing all the job roles for the 11 assistants. Had to make sure passports and visa’s are in place. Select crew, research different photos of the Queen. Liaised with Buckingham Palace staff on the location of the shoot of the palace. During week one Annie would probably have done some sketches of her own ideas.

Week two. Detail planning,creative aspect comes alive. The costume, hair and makeup. Make sure you know your client very well.

Week three. Making sure you have the correct equipment for the shoot. Queen should consider what her props are.

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