
I will be evaluating my photography assignment. In my assignment I produced a blog where I explored a variety of photographic and visual techniques which culminated with my photo shoot.

I did not feel fully engaged when working on this project because some parts were challenging such as trying to take the perfect photograph. Another weakness is that at times I am easily distracted by the task in hand. Next time I will focus less on outside distractions and to try to immerse myself more into the project. I could have annotated my photographic analysis more in depth. I could’ve taken more photos so I had a big variety to choose and work on. I could’ve used other effects this is something I need to learn and work on.

I believe there was some good outcomes in my project, for example, I managed my time effectively, regularly practised how to use the camera, which then enabled me to take my signature photos. I completed my pre-production paper work on time which helped me successfully plan my photo shoot. During lessons I was shown how to use Photoshop and by doing so I was able to edit my photos to a good standard. I used technical knowledge and terms when annotating my blog. I got inspiration from music photographers I discovered on Pinterest and I liked the actual photos themselves because of the bright lighting and how they were clearly expressed.

I organised my work by storing my photos in a folder on the computer. This time I used one big folder but next time I shall create separate ones so I can easily find my photographs. My photos ended up on my blog which has been published. I chose each picture to upload onto the blog. Each blog is about different subjects within the subject and has photographs on them.

When in the studio I worked well in a group activity utilising different lighting and angle techniques to take photos of each other which showed good teamwork. During this group activity I contributed by being a model for the other team members and I also took photos of them posing for me.

Overall I thought the project went well because I have developed new skills to enable me to use a professional camera to its full potential. I also developed skills on how to use Photoshop as an editing tool for my photos. I should improve my editing skills so the photos look different. I shall do this by watching online tutorials and practising myself in my DIS time.

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